Tuesday, August 15, 2017

League News Roundup 15 AUG 2017

That was Fast...TEN Coach Rex Loudsnore Suspended for Remainder of Regular Season
Following a very tough loss to the Alyxian Darkpaws, the league commissioner announced that Tenbil Town Green Sox head coach Rex Loudsnore would be suspended for the remainder of the regular season. The suspension was handed down after the Green Sox coach spit tobacco juice on the umpire's shoes after being ejected in the ninth inning in his first career game as a head coach. The commissioner clarified, however, that Loudsnore could rejoin the team for the postseason, if the Green Sox end up qualifying. In addition to the tobacco juice episode, Loudsnore was loudly criticized for several decisions that he made during the game, including calling for a failed stolen base from Willie Harris as well as keeping starter Kaz Ishii in the game deep into the seventh inning. General Manager Emerick Jones had the following to say after the suspension was announced: "Certainly in'fortunate, but all the same I res'peck the commissioner's decision. In the mean time Rock Hot Jim Houston will take over head coaching duties; this loss is cert'inly not the way I wanted to start my tenure heah', and it stings doubly with the loss of Rex."

Eyes on the Prize...BOB and ZSY Clinch Playoff Berths To Zero Fanfare
With successful sweeps in Series 9, both the Spartans of Bobia and the Tuldaria Z-Slayers guaranteed their respective spots in the playoffs. Both teams, however, seem entirely focused on winning the division that neither team celebrated the milestone. Both teams are having their best years in franchise history and both are currently on track to finish the season with the highest winning percentage in league history. The big question, and what most of the league is looking forward to, are the teams matchup in Series 12. As this is the last of the season, the fate of the Division 1 first round playoff bye will most likely hang in the balance then. As John Kruk astutely observed earlier this week, no Division Champion has ever even made the final round of the playoffs, let alone won a league championship. Although with how good the Spartans and Z-Slayers have been, that certainly looks like it may change this year.

War of Words...Richie Ashburn Calls for a Bomber Win
"We are the end of the line for this Z-Slayer winning streak," said a highly confident Richie Ashburn in an interview this week, "There isn't anything that can stop us right now. We're moving with full steam ahead." Ashburn went on to say that the Bombers were not just playing to make the playoffs but to win the division. "When you look at the standings, we are still in it. We are currently three games back of the Aces. If we can pick up two games over them over the next two series, that's all we need. Our last series of the year is with the Aces, so two wins there would put us in first." These comments prompted a reply from Z-Slayers General Manager Lord Sinister, who said that not only did the Bombers not stand a chance to win their division, they didn't even stand a chance to win their next game. "Look at this team, they're just pathetic. The only reason that these people are still relevant is because they're classic Pee Wee Leaguers. Nobody even wants to be their manager, for chrissakes!" He also called Ashburn "delusional" and a "second-rate" outfielder, while also saying that the Bombers were about to get a lesson from a "real" first place team.

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