Thursday, January 5, 2017

SPECIAL REPORT: Explosion at Z-Slayers Park!

TULDARIA - As players arrived at Z-Slayer Park on Wednesday afternoon, a loud thundering noise sent stadium workers and fans running scared. When the asbestos laden dust began to settle, it became apparent that the bleacher section out in right centerfield had been totally demolished.  Rumors had been circulating since the beginning of the season that the integrity of Z-Slayer Park had not been officially confirmed after the bombing runs during the Zachrian wars. To the embarrassment of the Z-Slayers, this unfortunate event has proven the rumors to be true. Investigators quickly determined that the blast had been caused by a Zachrian bomb that did not explode upon impact when it was dropped on the stadium, and somehow ended up being built over when the bleacher section was reconstructed last summer. It’s widely reported now that the explosive device was triggered when a concessions agent had ventured under the seating area in search of a mythical Oreo stash, that has reportedly been used during games by hooligans as throwing ammo against centerfielders from opposing teams. Miraculously, the concessions agent survived the blast, protected by a concrete section that fell over him and shielded him from the brunt of it. In fact, there were no other casualties directly from the explosion; the only reported injuries came from a group of visiting Darkpaw fans who in their panic unwittingly ran into the parking lot, where they were soon made unconscious by that notorious cloud of Zachrian gas. Because of unlucky winds, the cloud has now expanded so that rescue workers are still unable to reach the unfortunate (in more ways than one) Alyxians. The Old Man in the Cave, the commissioner, has announced that a full investigation will be forthcoming to see if there was any wrongdoing on the part of the Z-Slayers. In the meantime, yesterday’s scheduled game between the Darkpaws and Z-Slayers has been rescheduled for tomorrow night. It has been arranged that the game will be played at Tuldaria Memorial High School, currently the only other baseball diamond in Tuldaria. The field is in excellent shape for a high school, but there has been some talk of an infestation of cyborg gophers tunneling around second base – presumably leftovers from the Tycoon War. In any case, stay tuned for further updates and breaking news.  

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