Thursday, January 19, 2017


In the wake of last week’s explosion at Z-Slayer Park, another bombshell has been figuratively dropped on the Tuldarian franchise; the ball club is tottering on the edge of bankruptcy. Once the emergency personnel finished their work and talks began to progress about repairs, drama unraveled within the Z-Slayers finance department; several managers had been severely cooking the books to cover up embezzlement and fraud. As a result, the team not only doesn’t have the money to complete repairs on their stadium, but doesn’t have enough to cover operating expenses due at the end of the month. The corrupt managers will be brought before a court of law, but this still leaves the team in the lurch. Their only solution is to find a new investor who can provide enough capital to take ownership of the organization. The rumor mill has been churning out names of all sorts of possible candidates who might be willing to sink a whole lot of money into the ailing team; the two biggest names mentioned have been Ishmael von Corrin, founder of the general store chain as well as the Red Clay Aces, and Sebastian Piniera, the Chilean billionaire and former president of that country. The word on the street is that von Corrin wants it more, possibly to transfer players to his team; rumor also had it several weeks ago that the Aces had attempted to trade for Kip Wells to replace their struggling Mark Buerhle. In any case, von Corrin would need to convince the commissioner to allow him to directly own two teams in the league, which would probably prove to be quite difficult. In addition to Piniera, there’s also been talk of a third possible investor, one who has “a long history with Tuldaria.” No word yet on how credible that piece of gossip has been. In any case, the decision needs to be made soon…time is running out, financially.

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