Saturday, April 15, 2017

Leit'em Roster Report Episode Three: Trade It Up Kane

AL: Hey all you Leitheads out there! Welcome to the third installment of the Leit’em Up Roster Report. I’m Al Leiter and I’m NOT joined here by my colleague Butthead, of Beavis and Butthead fame. Today's episode includes a few interesting moves that I'd like to-

(Butthead runs into studio sweating profusely)

BH: Umm...Al...

AL: GODDAMMIT BUTTHEAD, why don't you show up five minutes earlier or twenty minutes later?

BH: Uhuh...uhuh uhuh...I was like...amm...going for a walk. 

AL: Oh... *eye twitch*coughs*straightens papers*...oh, ok. That' what's up? 

BH: Uhuh huhu uhuh, the producer asked me to give you this. *hands over paper*

(Al Leiter reads) 

AL: Ladies and gentlemen, this episode just became the most interesting one of the year. We have our first trade of the year, featuring a former Cy Young winner, as well as a landing pad for Edgar Martinez Jr.!

Traded SP Joel Pinero to the Darkpaws for SP Matt Morris

3B Edgar Martinez
CF Jeffrey Hammonds

CF Steve Finley
3B Adrian Beltre

AL: At first glance, the Darkpaws certainly thought that they were getting a good deal; Matt Morris has been quite solid for them (2-0 with 3 quality starts), but they would be sending him to the Green Sox for the infamous two time Cy Young Winner Joel Piniero (1-3, only 1 quality start) who has struggled with his new team. But this was a deal strictly to make cap room; not only do the Green Sox add the solid Morris to their rotation, but this gave them enough room to sign the sought after Edgar Martinez Jr., coming out of nowhere to win the sweepstakes for the new phenom. Another casualty to make cap room was centerfielder Steve Finley (1 HR, 6 RBI) who has largely had a disappointing season. He'll be replaced by Jeffrey Hammonds, a former Tycoon who has spent much of his career as a pinch hitter. We'll see what he can do with his first starting gig.

Going back to the Martinez question, this is a potentially game changing move. Tenbil Town has struggled this year putting men on base, which has been devastating for a home run hitting team like the Green Sox; so many of their homeruns have been solo shots, simply because nobody gets on base. Putting an on base 15 player right in the middle of the lineup might just change that. The three batters that will follow him in the lineup (Jorge Posada, J.D. Drew, and David Ortiz) have a combined total of 12 homeruns this year. The race for that third playoff spot is so tight now, I think this is a huge move for all of Division 2. 

Traded SP Matt Morris to Tenbil Town for SP Joel Piniero

SP Mike Maroth

SP Kerry Wood 04

AL: The Darkpaws were generally considered to be the leading team in the running for Edgar Martinez Jr. But a trade that seemed to be too good to be true resulted in them missing out on that opportunity. In order to make room for Piniero, the team dropped Kerry Wood 04 (0-3, 2 quality starts) and added rookie Mike Maroth to replace him. Its unclear is Piniero will return to Cy Young form with another new team; its also strange to see a former Zachrian now pitching for one of his country's biggest rivals. Nevertheless, analysts across the league are wary about this move for the Darkpaws; their pitching has been fine this year, the real problems have been with the offense. Does it make sense to cut two good pitchers for a potential has been? Time will tell. Possibly this is a move that will position the team for a complete rebuild heading into next season. 

SP Kerry Wood 04
CF Kenny Lofton
3B Adrian Beltre

SP Steve Trachsel
CF Grady Sizemore
3B Corey Koskie

AL: Mao watched these moves with a keen eye, and used the opportunity to keep good players from being unemployed for a very short time. First, Kerry Wood 04 was added; he has perhaps been the most tragic pitcher this season. Although he has an awful 0-3 record with the Darkpaws, he's actually pitched rather well and has had perhaps the lowest run support in the entire league. He will now beef up an already impressive Tycoon starting rotation as the number 2 between Randy Johnson and Brad Penny. To make room for Wood, former Darkpaw Steve Trachsel was dropped, not surviving his first season with the Tycoons. Furthermore thirdbaseman Corey Koskie (1 HR, 3 RBI) and CF Grady Sizemore (1 HR, 4 RBI) were also cut after very disappointing performances. The bottom of the Tycoon lineup has been a death trap of double plays and stranded base runners. To shake that up, Mao opted to pick up Adrian Beltre, recently dropped by Tenbil Town. Beltre, who has been very streaky, has 2 homeruns, 1 triple, 1 stolen base, and six RBIs so far this year. To replace Sizemore, Mao tapped the rookie Kenny Lofton an entirely unproven commodity. Similar to criticism of the Darkpaws, its unsure what this will do to wake up the struggling offense.

Well folks, certainly an exciting chain reaction from a simple trade. My personal opinion is that the Green Sox are the clear winners here, but we shall see! Until then..."We'll leave the LEIT on for you!"

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