Thursday, February 16, 2017

Beginning of Series 7 and beginning of second half of the season

RED 5, QEY 6 F


W – Wickman (1-0)            L - Wagner (1-1)             Blown Save - Wagner (1)

Both teams were looking to bounce back from disappointing series in this one, sending their number 4 starters to the mound. Former All-Star Jimmy Haynes put in a good performance for the Warriors, although the numbers look much better than the reality since he found himself working in and out of trouble for most of the evening. In his six innings of work, he was only burned once in the second inning when Paul Konerko doubled in the first run of the game. Konerko, who started off the season very slow, has gradually come to life in recent games. Aces starter Ramon Ortiz also put in a respectable effort for a control 2, 40 point 4th starter, also going six innings and earning the quality start with just three runs allowed: a Geoff Jenkins two run shot in the third (his team leading third homer of the year) and a rally in the sixth that yielded lead-off man Luis “Cactus Pants” Castillo’s first RBI of the year. Surprisingly, things really got interesting when the bullpens took over in the seventh. Warriors reliever Sean Lowe continues to have an awful season and set himself up for his league leading fourth loss of the year when he surrendered a grand slam to Miguel Tejada in the seventh. But the Warriors battled back; reliever Paul Quantril looked shaky once again in the seventh where he surrendered a run off the bat of a Jason Barrett double. The Warriors bullpen held firm in the eighth and ninth, thanks to an encouraging performance from closer Bob Wickman, who also is looking to put a rather bad first half of the season behind him. Aces closer Billy Wagner took the mound in the ninth, trying to earn his league leading fourth save of the year. On his first pitch, Cliff Floyd singled to center. That brought Frank Catalanotto to the plate, who quickly found himself facing an 0-2 count. After fighting off almost a dozen foul balls, Catalanotto took Wagner deep, bringing home Floyd and himself for the walk-off victory. Obviously a big win for the Warriors that puts a little bit of wind back in their sails; Frank Catalanotto has really emerged as a fan favorite and leader of this team. As for the Aces, Ishmael von Corrin had the following to say after the game: “Of course I’m disappointed. And I’m a little embarrassed as well. Here we are with a record that is just a little better than .500. The fact that we currently lead Division 2 just feels hollow when I remember that. We can be doing so much better and I think we know that. We really are one of the elite teams in the league, and I think that it’s high time that we start acting like it.” Perhaps most worrying for the Aces has been the recent performance of their bullpen. Despite having six arms available, there’s been talk about Wagner being overworked. Neither Paul Quantril nor Travis Harper have been particularly good as of late. With some issues that need fixing in the starting rotation, will von Corrin have enough cap space to work with down the stretch to make any adjustments?
MAX 4, LIN 3 F


W – Pettite (1-2)            L - Rueter (1-2)             Save - Rivera (1)

Former Cy Young award winner Andy Pettite was back to his old self in the early innings of this one; after struggling through the first inning, he only gave up three further hits until he ran into a bit of trouble in the seventh. As for his opponent Kirk Rueter, he suffered from his characteristic “hell inning” in the third, when Delino “Delicious” Deshields notched his second RBI of the year, and Richie “Assburn” Ashburn knocked in another two runs with a clutch bases loaded double. The three run lead looked comfortable until the seventh, when the Lindsyans rallied for two runs. Things could have been much worse for the Bombers if Pettite hadn’t come up big by striking out the horribly slumping Manny Ramirez with the bases loaded to finally get out of the jam. The Maxions answered with a mini-rally of their own, with Richie Ashburn again hitting a clutch double and racking up his ninth RBI of the season, the most in the league for lead-off men. The spirit of the Jerky Bean was not down and out yet, as catcher Victor Martinez hit a solo homer off of Ugueth Urbina in the eighth to once again make this a one-run ball game. However Mariano Rivera entered the game in the ninth for the Bombers (only his second appearance of the year) and slammed the door shut on the Jelly Queen Dream Team to earn his first save of the year. This is a very bad start for the Jelly Bean Dream Team of a series of games against underperforming teams; this puts a ton of pressure on them to pick up as many wins as they can in the next five games. As for the Bombers, don’t look now, but they are now only two full games out of third place in the pitiful Division 2, and only one game out of finally getting out of the basement. A few things have come together of late that have made the Bombers look like a much improved team: starting pitching has been great, Jeff Kent is no longer an automatic out and has been a strong presence batting fifth in the order, and Richie Ashburn continues to put up All Star numbers in almost all categories.
MEL 2, AXN 4 F


W – Morris (2-0)            L - Garcia (0-2)             Save – Kolb (4)

This game is probably what most fans expected: a rather sloppy game between two of the lower ranked teams trying (rather pathetically) to get off to a good start in the second half of the season. Former Bobian Freddy Garcia first ran into trouble in the second inning, where he surrendered a bases loaded triple to Omar Vizquel. Newcomer Hank Blalock notched another run for the Darkpaws in the third inning with a solo homerun, his third homer of the year. Starter Matt Morris was solid as well, only surrendering two runs in his last inning of work in the sixth. It’s interesting to note that these three players (Vizquel, Blalock, and Morris) are the most often spoken of when it comes to trades. Fans will remember that the Green Sox aggressively pursued Blalock when he was a free agent, but eventually lost out to the Darkpaws; rumors circulated this week that the Green Sox are still indeed interested. In any case, these three players won the day for the Darkpaws, but they certainly had help from the hapless Melmegetian offense, who racked up a total of seven double plays throughout the game. Aside from an Adam Kennedy triple in the sixth, nearly every other opportunity they had was quashed with the dreaded ground ball. Darkpaw reliever Rich Garces continued to be shaky and looked for a minute that he was going to blow it in the seventh, but was rescued by yet another Marauder double play. Danny Kolb entered the game in the ninth and earned his league leading fourth save of the year; he has earned a save in every single Darkpaw win thus far this season. Series seven is off to a wacky start; could the also be the beginning of a renaissance for the Darkpaws as well?

Monday, February 6, 2017

The Kruk Bucket, Episode 5: Mid-Season Madness!

Hello again Showdown Fans, this is John Kruk, bringing to you my power rankings for the league after Series 6. While I’m normally happy to be sharing my commentary with you, I just have to say that I’m a little bit more nervous than usual this week. I’ve been told by my agent that I need to be covering the Tycoons-Z-Slayer matchup this week. I’m not particularly worried about having to go to Tuldaria Memorial High School, even though it’s said there’s a colony of Tycoons living under second base. I’m not even really all that worried about all the death threats I’ve received from Tycoon fans about the day I’d come to Tycoon Stadium. What really bothers me is the dining options in Tycoonia. Don’t know about you, but Fancy Feast isn’t really high on my list when it comes to local delicacies. In any case, here’s my commentary for this week – still not intimidated from any threats I might be getting! I apologize if I talk with my mouth full, as I’m eating as I do this. This is the last pig knuckle I’m going to be able to have for a while…

1. BOB (0) Now eight straight wins, and an even more impressive eleven game quality start streak? With a potential Cy Young candidate at every point in their rotation, they’ve been easily the best pitching team in the first half of the season. They’ve also been the best managed. So long as the offense is able to put up at least a few runs each game, I don’t really see any team being able to keep pace with them. And I think that’s quite manageable for an offense like this; Pierre and Aparcio have been so dangerous in those leadoff positions, and there always seems to be at least one player in the heart of the Bobian order who is on a hot streak. If Ichiro struggles, either Fredgar or Hafner are usually there to pick up the slack. And the bottom half of the lineup certainly contributes their pleasant surprises now and then. I like their chances of finishing the year at the top of the league. At this point, four games up on the 4th place team, I think Ronde Barber’s club is going to be playing mostly for that first round bye. One thing to note: their schedule is a bit tougher in the second half. In the coming weeks they will face the Z-Slayers, Meow Meow Dui, and the Red Clay Aces.

2. MMD (+2) If I had to pick a team that most closely follows the Spartan model (focus on pitching and coaching) it might be the Meow Meows. I have to say, I did try to follow Coach Taklamente’s diet plan that is a requirement for all his players, and I saw results right away. To correct all the weight loss, I altered the plan a bit and cut out all the tofu and steamed vegetables and increased my intake of dumplings and bubble tea. Crisis averted. But the plan seems to be working for this team, even if Taklamente isn't the easiest coach to play for. I’m particularly impressed with catcher Gregg Zaun, who hasn’t played in the league in a few years and has really assumed offensive leadership of this team. It should be noted that, like the Spartans, the defensive play has been rather good as well. They just barely eked out the sweep of the Lindsyans, but they did it in a way that showed true grit and character. All four starters have put up amazing performance after amazing performance. I like them for the same reason I like the Spartans, and I really do consider both of them shoe-ins for the playoffs.

3. ZSY(0) If you just looked at the team’s performance on the field in the first half of the season, you would probably never guess what a mess this team is on the corporate side. Ever since the un-exploded bomb from the Zachrian War detonated in their bleacher section, Z-Slayer Park has been totally neglected and fallen into even worse repair, as winds have pushed the Zachrian gas cloud further into the parking lot. Each day that goes by without a new owner pushes the struggling organization that much closer to bankruptcy. An equally unappealing option might be being owned by Red Clay Aces GM Ishmael Von Corrin, who still hasn’t received regulatory approval to bid on the team. Time is of the essence for them to get a deal completed, but I just personally hope that they don’t rush into a deal that is bad for the franchise and that is bad for the league. As it stands now, the team doesn’t seem to have much issue playing at the high school field. Albert Pujols, Jack Wilson, and Ralph Kiner are going to continue knocking in runs. The only real question in my book is if the pitching can repeat their first half performance in the second. To be honest, I don’t think so, not without some more solid footing as a franchise and perhaps a bit of coaching. Otherwise, this is totally new territory for these young pitchers, none of which have serious playoff experience.

4. RED (-2) Incredibly, the best team in Division 2 would probably not even make the playoffs if it was in Division 1. Don’t get me wrong, I still like the Aces (Ishmael’s “Going on Patrol” Burger has been the latest hit at his chain stores) but they just don’t seem to have that explosiveness that the Spartans, Meow Meows, of Z-Slayers have. Their latest series against the St. Louis Cardinals largely confirmed this. Von Corrin’s team isn’t particularly strong pitching wise (hence his repeated interest in a player like the Z-Slayers ace Kip Wells) and the bullpen has struggled somewhat of late. Of course still a strong team, but I have a feeling the second half of the year is going to be a bumpy ride for them. I would expect a GM like Von Corrin to be active down the stretch with roster moves, as there’s a few glaring issues that I think need to be worked out. Luckily they don’t have a whole ton of competition in Division 2 to be worried about.

5. STL (+2) Orlando Cepeda’s awakening is really just what this team needed. He had two homeruns and five RBI’s in the latest series against the Aces; combine this with Edgar Rentaria’s 8 RBIs on the season and the Cardinals have finally found some offense to back up Larry Walker, who is now intentionally walked with some regularity. Still, the team’s performance as a whole has been wildly inconsistent; they have split every series so far this season except for their first one against MMD. But as the offense more and more gets its act together, this team really will be a force to be reckoned with down the stretch. They’ve managed to gain on the second place Tycoons while putting a little bit of breathing room between the Marauders and Green Sox, both of which are nibbling at their heels. Of those three teams, I definitely like the Cardinals best but anything is really possible with them at this point…including crashing and burning. We’ll see if they can split their upcoming series against the Bobians; doing so would require stopping an eight game win streak.

6. TYC (0) Folks, the hate mail gets more intense each weak, but I’m not going to be bullied into increasing a mediocre team’s power ranking. They split their last series with the Marauders and looked downright silly in the game that they lost. The offense has been one of the worst in the league, with reigning MVP Jeremy Giambi putting up a pitiful 4 RBIs in the first half of the season (he had 15 at this point last year). The bottom half of the lineup has been an offensive desert as well, with Corey Koskie, Joe Mauer, and Grady Sizemore apparently forming some kind of double play club. The pitching is fine (just fine Randy, by no means great) so I won’t say this isn’t a playoff team, but I wouldn't be surprised to see them flip positions with the Cardinals in the second half of the year and end up being the team that has to fight for survival against the Green Sox and Marauders. Oh, and another thing. I’ll be paying very close attention to these rumors of a nest of Tycoon gophers under second base at the Z-Slayer substitute field. And I’ll also be paying very close attention to all these death threats when I make my trip to Tycoonia to cover the game. Just be warned that I carry a Viking sized chicken leg with me at all times. It is big enough to hit a four seam fastball with, if you follow my meaning.

7. LIN (-2) Every time I bump this team up in the rankings, they get swept. That’s really unfortunate, since this team probably has had some of the worst luck in the league so far this year: in a rational world this would comfortably be a playoff team, but in the competitive madness of Division 1 they find themselves out in the cold…and frightfully so. In the first half they certainly showed that they are a good team, but certainly not up to par with the Elite Three that currently at the top of Division 1. They could not capitalize on a golden opportunity to pick up some ground on Meow Meow Dui, and find themselves a full three games back from third place with limited opportunity for tie breakers. The team is certainly still not without hope, but there definitely is some pressure to get their act together soon as they begin the second half of the season with the easiest schedule in the league: they don’t play a team that has a winning record until Series 10. The starting  pitching needs to remain tight, the bullpen needs to continue to step up (but not everything can continue to fall on Steve Karsay’s shoulders, as evidenced by his two latest losses), and perhaps most importantly, Manny Ramirez needs to absolutely wake up from his slump and return to the MVP like performance he started the season with.

8. MEL (+1) Their latest series against the Tycoons was a mixed bag, as both team experienced blowout losses. Dr. Vindaloo has made it clear that he’s not very interested in making roster moves, so it’s essentially up to the players he has now to improve their play. For sure Adam Kennedy, Scott Rolen, and Brandon Larson have all improved after rather dreadful starts, and will need to continue to do so to anchor the sometimes shaky offense. Also a little shakier than Vindaloo might like, the pitching hasn’t been exactly living up to Melmegetian tradition as of late, with some of the long time veterans having some rather ugly games recently (Mark Redman, Cliff Pollitte, to name a few). Although Vindaloo isn’t interested in adding new players, rumor has it that he will announce a new head coach in the coming weeks to try to boost performance. He has maintained that his coaches must all be of 2003 Edition just like his players, which limits somewhat his available options at the coaching position. I personally don’t know anyone who currently fits the bill so I’ll be surprised with whomever this announcement turns out to be.

9. QEY (-1) Much like the Lindsyans, this is a pretty decent team that made the mistake of being born into Division 1. Although they won the Division last year and haven’t been bad this year, they find themselves somewhat hopelessly down the standings in fifth place after being swept by the Spartans of Bobia. The Spartans did what they do best and almost completely neutralized the usually potent Warrior offense, only allowing two runs in two games. The top of the order has been as cold as a package of frozen White Castle burgers, with Luis Castillo and Carlos Guillen both failing to secure a single RBI in the entire first half of the year. More worrying is the recent lack of production from big hitters Ellis Burks and Cliff Floyd. If there’s any hope of a turn around here, the whole offense needs to contribute at once. The pitching has certainly improved as of late, so the team is by no means out of it just yet.

10. TEN (0) If morale couldn’t get any lower for this team, how does it feel to take a 11-0 beating at the hands of a team on a nine game losing streak? That's precisely what happened in their latest game against the struggling Bombers. Things are looking really grim for this team, both on and off the field; the search for a new coach and GM has been entirely unsuccessful, and rumors are starting to circulate that the locker room atmosphere is beginning to deteriorate. Former MVP J.D. Drew and former Cy Young Joel Piniero have both requested to be traded; Jorge Posada has publicly criticized Brent Mayne, who was recently signed to be the day-to-day catcher while Posada DH’s; Centerfielder Steve Finley has apparently gone on suicide watch after he was told that his job is currently in jeopardy. Things are certainly a mess here for the Season 3 Champions, but somehow they will be very much in the hunt for a playoff spot in the second half. Still plenty of time for them to get their act together, so I wouldn’t just be making any judgments yet. I do think the team is taking the right approach looking for a GM and Coach first; strong leadership is definitely needed to get house in order.

11. AXN (0) Not much to comment on here. After sweeping the Bombers, they didn’t put up much of a fight against the Division rival Z-Slayers. Ken Griffey Jr. continues to put up the worst numbers of his career while new comers Ken Griffey 04 and Brad Fullmer have done very little since arriving. Third baseman Hank Blalock has been decent, but his second half play might just be an audition for another team, if the Darkpaws are indeed interested in the Edgar Martinez sweepstakes. Might they try to use him in a trade at some point down the stretch? Might they also try to move some of their high priced starters elsewhere as well? Is Barry Zito available? Will ALLIED_MASTERCOMPUTER also use this opportunity to rebuild the coaching staff? All open questions.

12. MAX (0) That last win against the Green Sox certainly felt good. Beating them up by a margin of eleven runs certainly took a little bit of frustration out of this team. I didn’t realize it, but they are currently only three games out of third place in Division 2. That makes this team much more alive than I probably would have considered in the past. Could this Green Sox beatdown mark a turning point, from with the Bombers begin to climb through the ranks of Division 2? Certainly possible, especially with the way Edgar Martinez, Bengie “Don’t Make Fun of My Speed” Molina, and Jeff Kent have been hitting of late. But the rest of the offense has been rather dead and the starting pitching has been entirely lackluster. Also a complicating factor is the fact that their second half schedule is significantly more difficult than their first. I don’t see them clawing themselves out of the basement, but I suppose I should stop giving the impression that it’s impossible.

Well that’s it for now, folks. Thanks for tuning in, and we will be seeing you in Tycoonia and Tuldaria this week. And don’t forget: VIKING CHICKEN LEG. COME AT ME BRO.

Saturday, February 4, 2017

Series 6 Finale!

TYC 9, MEL 2 F


W – Trachsel (2-1)                   L – Redman (1-2)

So apparently the Tycoons had failed to score a single run for four games straight - because they were saving them for this game. They jumped all over Marauder starter Mark Redman right from the get-go; a rally in the first yielded RBIs from both Giambi brothers, Fred Mcgriff, and Joe Mauer, all of whom had been on a very cold streak. The Tycoons unleashed another fury in the fourth, culminating in an Edgar "I'd Like to Rent a Ria" Rentaria grandslam, his first RBI's of the season. Tycoon starter Steve Trachsel had his best performance of the season, going six innings and only having trouble in his last inning of work when he gave up a two run homer to Brandon Larson, his third of the year. After Buddy Groom covered the middle innings for the Marauders, Cliff Politte took the mound and had his second straight disappointing performance, surrendering a homerun to Jason Giambi and narrowly working through the rest of the game unscathed. Chuck Knoblauch also had three stolen bases for the Tycoons. This win keeps the Tycoons in second place, while the Melmegetians fall back a game out third place. The Tycoons will at least have some momentum heading into next series against the Z-Slayers. Dr. Vindaloo's Marauders have a golden opportunity to pick up some wins next week against the struggling Darkpaws.  
LIN 1, MMD 2 F/12

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1

W – Foulke (1-1)                   L – Karsay (2-2)

A true pitching duel from the get-go, with both pitchers looking dominant. Esteban Loaiza did get out of a bases loaded jam in the second, but otherwise cruised through the Meow Meow Dui lineup, looking very strong until the seventh, when he surrendered a run in the form of a Ryan Freel RBI single. Kenny Rodgers was equally magnificent, only giving up a handful of hits until a Lindsyan mini rally yielded an RBI single from Rondell White, his eleventh RBI of the year which ties him for second place in the entire league. It’s been good for the Lindsyans that he’s picked up the offensive slack as of late, since Manny Ramirez has significantly cooled off after looking like an MVP candidate early in the season. He was 0-2 with runners in scoring position in this game. Despite the no-decision, both starters pitched a gem of a game and very deservedly earned their league leading third quality start of the season. Loaiza, who despite having 3 quality starts, still holds a 0-0 record. The game progressed to the later innings with the score tied at one, and both teams turned the game over to their respectively spectacular bullpens. Kevin Gregg went three strong innings for Coach Taklamente’s club, while Steve Karsay continued his strong season by mowing down Meow Meow Dui batters for four innings. Keith Foulke entered the game in relief of Gregg and pitched a very strong top of the 12th. In the bottom of the inning, Karsay attempted to start his fifth inning of work, but allowed the leadoff man on base. That leadoff man eventually came around to score off a Mark Ellis single (his first RBI of the year), tagging Karsay with the loss despite another great performance on his part. His two losses both reflect valiant efforts thwarted in a manner such as this. This is a tough pill to swallow for the Lindsyans, who had a golden opportunity to pick up some ground against the elite teams of Division 1. But things are not all looking down for the Jerky Queen;  they have one of the easiest schedules in the league for the next several series. They will next face off against the hapless Bombers, then go to Alyxia to face the struggling Bombers, before finally taking on the Tenbil Town Green Sox. Jerky Queen should surely expect to come out of these six games with a winning record and hopefully up a notch or two in the standings. As for Meow Meow Dui, this win certainly cements them as one of the three elite teams in Division 1. Things look good for this first year team if they can just keep ahead of the Lindsyans and Queynos Warriors down the stretch, although surely Coach Taklamente is aiming for his team to capture the Division Championship. His team next faces the Green Sox; the week after will be a long awaited Divisional series against the Spartans of Bobia.
QEY 0, BOB 5 F


W – Glavine (2-0)                   L – Morris (0-1)

Both teams were trying to keep pace in this one: the Spartans trying to keep their step ahead of the Z-Slayers and Meow Meow Dui, while the Warriors trying to not fall too far behind in Division 1. Both starters were sharp early, but Warrior Matt Morris ran into trouble first. The Bobians batted around in the bottom of the third with the big hits coming in the form of a Juan Pierre RBI double and an Edgar Martinez 2 RBI double. Morris ran into trouble again in the fifth and was pulled before the close of the inning. Credit to Mike Timlin and Tim Spooneybarger for four innings of keeping the Bobians off the board. In his second career appearance, Tom Glavine SS almost repeated his incredible performance in his first start, throwing four 1-2-3 innings and only surrendering 4 hits through eight innings. During that time, the Warriors got runners in scoring position only three times throughout the game, and three times they were all stranded.  Glavine faltered for a moment in the eighth, when the Warriors strung together a couple of hits, most notably Edgardo Alfonzo's second double of the game. But a very nifty play by Luis Aparicio lead to a double play that killed that rally. Glavine again had problems in the ninth, loading the bases with only one out. This time the Spartans could not turn the double play to end the game, despite a plea from Charles "Last Ditch Effort CJ" Johnson to the umpire about interference. When the umpire dismissed Johnson's request, the crowd held their breath as Edgardo Alfonzo stepped to the plate, who was easily the Warriors best hitter this series. Glavine kept his cool, and struck out Alfonzo to complete the win, shutout, and sweep. Next up the Warriors have the displeasure of taking on yet another Division leader, the Red Clay Aces. The Spartans face off against the wily Cardinals, which have looked like a different team in nearly every game they've played.